teucrium chamaedrys


Common Names: wall germander


Family: Lamiaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Evergreen shrub

Size: 1-2 ft. high, 3 ft. wide.

Flowers: Lavender to purple flowers in loose spikes, summer to early autumn. Fragrant leaves are dark green, oval, glossy, about  .75  in. long.

Uses: Herb garden, mixed border, containers, dry areas, low hedge, small topiary, ground cover. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Pollen for bees. Deer resistant.

Soil: Poor to moderately fertile, well-drained; but loves poor, gritty soils.

Water: Low water once established; a little more inland.

Sun: Full sun (gets leggy with less).

Pruning: Pinch to keep compact; shear back once or twice a year after flowering to force side branching. Remove older stalks and stalks lying on the ground.

Pests & Diseases: Generally pest and disease free.

Notes: Another nice Teucrium is the T. betonicum. Fire retardant if well watered. A classic knot garden plant; tolerates routine shearing. Set 2 ft. apart for small-scale ground cover. Hardy to 15° F.