Banksia burdettii

Banksia Burdettii CU KINDIG.jpg
Banksia Burdettii KINDIG.jpg

Common Names: Burdett’s banksia

Family: Proteaceae

Origin: Australia.

Type: Evergreen shrub

Size: 9 to 12 ft. high.

Flowers: Small red-orange flowers clustered on large cones, late spring to early fall.

Uses: Accent, background, screen.

Wildlife: Flower nectar, habitat.

Soil: Must be well-drained.

Water: Withstands long dry periods, but like moderate water.

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: Shorten previous season’s growth to control size.

Pests & Diseases: Root rot fungi if not well drained.

Notes: Proteas adapt to poor soils with tiny rootlets that grow in tufts from the regular root system after the first rain. They use surface nutrients from litter and die back to the main roots after a few months.