Bracteantha bracteata ‘Sundaze Pink’

Bracteantha bracteata _Sundaze Pink_ CU KINDIG.jpg
Bracteantha bracteata _Sundaze Pink_ KINDIG .jpg

Common Names: golden everlasting daisy, bush strawflower


Family: Asteraceae

Origin: Australia

Type: Shrubby perennial

Size: 2 to 4 ft. high.

Flowers: Bright flowers with white petals, magenta tips, and gold centers, 2 in. wide, spring to autumn; leaves to 5 in.,gray-green. Flower “petals” are actually leaf bracts.

Uses: Patio containers, borders, cut flower garden, accent, color.


Soil: Well-drained; will rot in clay soil.

Water: Regular water; established plants tolerate some drought.

Sun: Full sun to light shade.


Pests & Diseases:

Notes: Formerly named Helichrysum bracteatum. Flower heads can be dried and used in arrangements. Use low-phosphorous fertilizer. Short-lived. Many cultivars feature different colored flowers.