Castanea sativa

Castanea sativa CU WEB.jpg
Castanea sativa WEB.jpg

Common Names: European chestnut, sweet chestnut


Family: Fagaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Deciduous tree

Size: 80-100 ft. high, 30-50 ft. wide.

Flowers: Attractive yellow-green catkins, late spring; dark green leaves 6-10 in. long, showy fruit.

Uses: Shade, ornamental tree. Locate where litter from tree (nuts) is not problematic. Tolerates salt air.

Wildlife: Attracts birds. Deer resistant.

Soil: Moist, well-drained. Likes sandy soils.

Water: Medium. Tolerates drought.

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: (No special needs found.)

Pests & Diseases: Chestnut blight, anthracnose, and powdery mildew.

Notes: Nuts may be roasted over a fire. Hardy to -15° F.