Oscularia caulescens

Oscularia caulescens CU WEB.jpg
Oscularia caulescens WEB.jpg

Common Names: dasslevygle, candy bush


Family: Aizoaceae

Origin: South Africa

Type: Succulent subshrub

Size: To 1 ft. high, 2 to 3 ft. wide.

Flowers: Bright pink fragrant flowers, early spring to mid-summer; small fleshy light green succulent leaves.

Uses: Ground cover, slopes, borders, containers. Fire resistant.

Wildlife: (None found.)

Soil: Well-drained.

Water: Low to medium water needs.

Sun: Full sun to some shade.

Pruning: Prune back in mid-spring to control size.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: Hardy to 20° F.