Achillea millefolium ‘Moonshine’

Achillea millefolium 'Moonshine' CU KINDIG.jpg
Achillea millefolium 'Moonshine' KINDIG.jpg

Common Names: yarrow


Family: Asteraceae

Origin: California

Type: Perennial

Size: 18 in. to 20 in. high, 18 in. wide.

Flowers: Deep yellow flowers in flat clusters, late spring to early fall; divided, gray-green leaves 3-4 in. long.

Uses: Slopes, cut flowers, ground cover, accents, borders, rock garden, butterflies. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Nectar and seeds. Butterfly pollinated. Deer resistant. Rabbit resistant.

Soil: Adapts to sand, clay, or calcareous soil.

Water: Develops tap root; needs little water once established.

Sun: Full sun to light shade.

Pruning: Prune (or weed whip) taller flower heads.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: Approximately 100 species of Achillea exist. Hardy to 0° F.