Lilium Paradalinum


Common Names: Leopard LIly


Family: Liliaceae

Origin: California

Type: Herbaceous perennial

Size: 6 ft. high in bloom, 1-2 ft. wide.

Flowers: Orange to red-orange flowers with yellow shading and brown spots in center, late spring or beginning of summer; long narrow light green leaves.

Uses: Containers, row of color, color accent, near oak trees, in heat. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Attracts bees and butterflies.

Soil: Well-drained, deep, loose, fertile soil.

Water: Medium.

Sun: Full sun, but keep roots cool.

Pruning: To prevent seed formation, remove spent flowers. Cut back after leaves and stems turn yellow.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: Blooms for a short time. Native from Southern California to Southern Oregon. Hardy to 0° F.