phlomis fruticosa


Common Names: jerusalem sage


Family: Lamiaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Evergreen shrub

Size: 4 ft. high and wide.

Flowers: Golden yellow flowers, 1 in., spring and summer if watered; leaves gray green, wooly, about 6 - 8 in.

Uses: Slopes, mixed flower gardens, color and shape accent, in heat. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Deer resistant.

Soil: Well-drained.

Water: Low to medium; blooms more with more.

Sun: Full sun; some shade inland.

Pruning: Prune back half to keep compact, cut back lightly after bloom. Misting before pruning helps keep down peltate hairs. Cut back hard in late winter to rejuvenate. 

Pests & Diseases: Generally pest and disease free. May be bothered by leafhoppers. Resists oak root fungus.

Notes: Phlomis has about 100 species. Native to rocky, dry cliffs on coast and inland Mediterranean. Hardy to 0° F.