Aeonium arboreum 'Atropurpureum'

Aeonium-arboreum 'Atropurpureum'2.jpg
Aeonium-arboreum 'Atropurpureum'.jpg

Common Name: Black beauty


Family: Crassulaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Succulent perennial

Size: 2 to 3 ft. high and wide.

Flowers: Yellow flowers in long clusters, spring and summer; deep purple floral-like leaves (rosettes).

Uses: Small gardens, succulent gardens, accent, containers, rock gardens, raised gardens, wind, salt spray. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Attracts bees. Deer resistant. Rabbit resistant. 

Soil: Tolerates a variety, but must be well-drained. Not at its best in clay.

Water: Medium supplementary water.

Sun: Full sun in cooler climates; some shade in heat.

Pruning: Cut off old rangy stems and replant a piece of them for more plants.

Pests & Diseases: Rarely scale and thrips. Root rot if overwatered.

Notes: Comes from Canary Islands and around the Mediterranean Sea. Hardy to 25° F.