Olea Europaea


Common Names: olive tree


Family: Oleaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Evergreen tree

Size: 25-30 ft. high & wide; smaller cultivars available.

Flowers: Creamy yellow flowers, mid-spring; leaves gray-green 1-2 in. long; olives on fruiting varieties start green and mature to black by winter.

Uses: Color and shape accent in entries, lawns; single or multiple trunks for screens or slopes. Tolerates wind. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Birds and other animals like olives. Deer resistant. 

Soil: Adapted to all types including shallow, alkaline, and rocky, but looks best in deep rich soil.

Water: Low water encourages roots and drought tolerance; young plants grow faster with more. 

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: In spring, remove dead, diseased or dying branches, thin out branches to allow light into the center of the tree and remove branches to shape.

Pests & Diseases: Olive know disease; spread by rain to open wounds. Prune in summer to avoid. Verticillium wilt, fruit fly. 

Notes: To avoid olive stains, use cultivars: ‘Little Ollie’ (3’), ‘Majestic Beauty’(30’, Airy), ‘Skylark Dwarf’ (16’, some fruit), ‘Swan Hill’ (30’, little or no pollen too; deep green leaves). Hardy to 10° F.