Correa ‘Carmine Bells’


Common Name: Australian fuchsia


Family: Rutaceae

Origin: Australia

Type: Evergreen shrub

Size: To 2 ft. high and 4 ft. wide.

Flowers: Hanging, tubular, pink bell-shaped fuchsia-like flowers in autumn, winter, and spring; gray or gray-green oval leaves.

Uses: Slopes, ground cover, screen, mixed plantings, near oak trees. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Nectar for hummingbirds, habitat for birds. Deer resistive.

Soil: Well-drained; does well in poor rocky soil.

Water: Low to medium.

Sun: Full sun to some shade, especially in heat.

Pruning: Low maintenance plant; needs little pruning. However, regular light pruning simulates new growth and flowers.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.) 

Notes: Other Australian fuchsia favorites: Correa pulchella, Beds C, I. Native to coastal edges and inland foothills of Australia. From citrus family, not fuchsia family. Hardy to 25° F.