Punica granatum 'Nana'

Punica-granatum 'Nana'2.jpg
Punica-granatum 'Nana'.jpg

Common Names: dwarf pomegranate


Family: Lynthraceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Evergreen shrub (mild winters)

Size:  3 ft. high, 4 ft. wide.

Flowers: Small orange-red single flowers, spring, summer, followed by small dry red fruit; leaves bright green to 2 in. long turn yellow in fall.

Uses: Borders, color and shape accent, raised beds, edible gardens, containers, slopes, near oak trees, in heat. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Fruit and seeds.

Soil: Tolerates a variety of soil, including alkaline. Fruit production better in deep, moist soil.

Water: Medium.

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: Prune for shape; remove old canes occasionally to stimulate new growth.

Pests & Diseases: Some, but primarily when grown as crop.

Notes: Juice is source of Grenadine. Shells of fruit used in tanning. Hardy to 10° F.