Garrya Elliptica


Common Names: silk tassel bush


Family: Garryaceae

Origin: California

Type: Evergreen shrub or tree

Size: 8 ft. high and wide; can reach 20 ft.

Flowers: Attractive cream white catkins in long strands, late winter; purple fruit (female plant) in summer if male plant present; leaves are stiff and dark green.

Uses: Background, slopes, re-vegetation, screen, accent, small tree, near oak trees, in heat. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Habitat and fruit for birds, etc. Deer resistant.

Soil: Well-drained; grows on slopes and dry ridges in wild.

Water: Low once established.

Sun: Full sun to some shade.

Pruning: Prune to train as small tree. Prune branch tips after flowering to promote a compact bushy growth pattern. Does not respond to remedial pruning.

Pests & Diseases: Spotting of leaves in warmer weather may indicate a fungal leaf spot disease.

Notes: Male plant has longer tassels. Native to coastal ranges from Ventura county, California, to Oregon. ‘Evie’ is a male variety with extra long catkins to 10 in. Hardy to 15° F.