Alstroemeria hybrid


Common Name: Peruvian Lily


Family: Liliaceae

Origin: Chile (Hybrids unknown)

Type: Evergreen perennial

Size: 3 ft. high and wide.

Flowers: This hybrid has bright lavender flowers with yellow patches and brown spots, spring, summer; leaves lance-like to 4 in. long. Many other colors available.

Uses: Cut flowers, containers, accent, borders, walls, color, near oak trees. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Attracts hummingbirds, bees. Rabbit resistant.

Soil: Prefers sandy soil, but tolerates heavier if well-drained.

Water: Medium water when growing and blooming.

Sun: Full sun to part shade; some shade in heat.

Pruning: To stimulate repeat bloom, pull off flower shoots at base (instead of cutting them).

Pests & Diseases: Aphids, thrips, caterpillars.

Notes: From tuberous roots. Once established, becomes vigorous, possibly invasive. Handle brittle roots gently when planting. Hardy to 15° F.