Asclepias fascicularis

Asclepias fascicularis CU KINDIG WEB.jpg
Asclepias fascicularis KINDIG WEB.jpg

Common Names: narrow-leaf milkweed



Family: Apocynaceae

Origin: California

Type: Perennial

Size: To 3 ft. high; spreads to form colonies.

Flowers: Small white flowers in clusters, late spring; long narrow leaves 5 to 6 in., dark green and curved. Deciduous.

Uses: Background, bird and butterfly garden.

Wildlife: Attracts monarch butterflies. Birds use dry stems for nests. Deer resistive.

Soil: Tolerates clay; should still be mulched and well-drained.

Water: Little to none after established.

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: (No special needs found.)

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: From California’s chaparral, evergreen forests, southern oak woodland, and yellow pine forest plant communities. Alkaloids in the plant protect monarch butterfly larvae from predators. Hardy to 5° F.