Aeonium haworthii

Aeonium haworthii CU KINDIG WEB.jpg
Aeonium haworthii KINDIG WEB.jpg

Common Name: pinwheel


Family: Crassulaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Succulent perennial

Size: 1-2 ft. high and wide.

Flowers: Pale yellow flowers, spring, summer; light green succulent leaves with pink edges.

Uses: Rock garden, fire safe garden, steep slopes. Tolerates salty air. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: (None found.)

Soil: Full sun to some shade, coast; more shade inland.

Water: Low.

Sun: Full sun to some shade, coast; more shade inland.

Pruning: Remove dead leaves.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.) 

Notes: Long-lived plant if not overwatered. Hardy to 25° F.