Heuchera Maxima


Common Names: Island alum root


Family: Saxifragaceae

Origin: California

Type: Evergreen perennial

Size: 2 ft. high, 3 ft. wide; flower spikes to 3 ft.

Flowers: Hundreds of white or pink flowers in clusters 1.5  to 2.5  ft. long, winter to spring; leaves are shiny, green, heart-shaped, and 3–4 in. across.

Uses: Casual ground cover, near oaks, on slopes, rock gardens, borders. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Attracts hummingbirds. Deer and rabbits like.

Soil: Tolerates clay soil; should be well-drained.

Water: Low summer water.

Sun: Full sun OK; better in some shade.

Pruning: Only deadhead back in late fall. Old and declining plants can be cut back and will recover next spring. Replace whole plant when too woody.

Pests & Diseases: Damp shade can encourage fungal diseases. Black Vine Weevil larvae can bore into the crowns and roots. 

Notes: Native to the coastal islands of California where it is found in wooded canyons and on cliff faces. Divide clumps every 3 or 4 years in fall. Hardy to 15° F.