epilobium canum


Common Names: california fuchsia


Family: Onagraceae

Origin: California

Type: Perennial; evergreen in mild winter climates

Size: 2 ft. high and wide.

Flowers: Bright orange-red flowers, each 1 to 1.5 in. across, in shape of funnel, late summer into autumn. Leaves very narrow, gray, covered with fine hairs.

Uses: Small scale ground cover, woodland garden, border, rock garden, slopes, near oak trees. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Nectar for birds, hummingbirds, butterflies. Deer resistant.

Soil: Moderately fertile, well-drained.

Water: None to low once established. Some if rain scarce.

Sun: Full sun to some shade.

Pruning: After first year, cut back to ground in winter. Can spread.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: A native Californian found on our drier slopes and rocky areas up to 3,000 feet. Hardy to 20° F.