Cotinuscoggygria 'Purpureus'

Continus-coggygria'Purpureus' (2).jpg

Common Name: smoke tree


Family: Anacardiaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Deciduous shrub or tree

Size: 12 to 15 feet high and wide; can reach 25 feet.

Flowers: Small greenish fading flowers create stalks (panicles) that form pink “smoke”, spring, summer; purple 1.5 – 3 in. leaves turn bright red-orange in winter.

Uses: Color accent, rock garden, background, screen; resists oak root fungus. Tolerates heat. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Attracts bees. Deer resistive.

Soil: Plants do well in poor or rocky soil. Be sure soil is well-drained.

Water: Medium in fast-draining soil. Too much causes root rot.

Sun: Full sun to some shade.

Pruning: Do not prune for first five years. Needs pruning to keep neat. Naturally multistemmed and urn-shaped, but can be trained as tree. 

Pests & Diseases: Resists oak root fungus. Watch for verticillium wilt.

Notes: Leaves of species are bluish green. All Cotinus coggygria leaves turn colors in fall ranging from yellow to orange red. C. coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ is another purple beauty. Hardy to 0° F.