Bulbine latifolia

Bulbine latifolia CU KINDIG.jpg
Bulbine latifolia KINDIG.jpg

Common Names: (No common names known.)


Family: Asphodelaceae

Origin: South Africa

Type: Succulent

Size: Leaves to 8 in. high, flowers slightly higher.

Flowers: Bright yellow flowers, spring; leaves lance-shaped to 16 in. long, light green.

Uses: Ground cover, slopes, accent, border, color. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Attracts bees. Deer resistant.

Soil: Well-drained.

Water: Little to regular water.

Sun: Full sun to part or full shade in hot climates.

Pruning: Prune off spent flower stalks and any damage from frost. Also needs some pruning to keep it neat.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: One of largest species in genus (Bulbine).