Calodendrum capense

Calodendrum capense CU KINDIG WEB.jpg
Calodendrum capense KINDIG WEB.jpg

Common Names: Cape chestnut


Family: Rutaceae

Origin: South Africa

Type: Tree

Size: 20 to 30 ft. high and wide.

Flowers: Light purple faintly fragrant flowers, summer.

Uses: Large background ornamental tree. Tolerates some salty air. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Bees, butterflies.

Soil: Avoid sandy soil.

Water: Medium summer water .

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: (No special needs found.)

Pests & Diseases: Asian Citrus Psylid.

Notes: Hardy to 25° F. Avoid strong winds. May not flower until 7 or 8 years old.