Cerinthe major

Cerinthe major CU KINDIG.jpg
Cerinthe major KINDIG.jpg

Common Names: honeywort


Family: Boraginaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Annual

Size: To 2 ft. tall and wide.

Flowers: Flowers 1 in. purple tubes with yellow throat, spring through fall; leaves gray green, 2.5 in. long, with bracts that partially hide flowers.

Uses: Annual beds, accent, background, borders.

Wildlife: Nectar for bees and hummingbirds.

Soil: Well-drained.

Water: Regular water.

Sun: Full sun or light shade.

Pruning: (No special needs found.)

Pests & Diseases: Will rot if overwatered or given too much shade.

Notes: Variety ‘Purpurascens’ with purple bracts more common in landscapes. Hardy to 0° F.