Muhlenbergia Rigens


Common Names: deer grass


Family: Poaceae

Origin: California

Type: Perennial grass

Size: 4 ft. high and wide; seed stalks to 5 ft.

Flowers: Yellowish flowers insignificant in fall followed by seed heads; long grass-like plumes.

Uses: Slopes, accent, movement, near oak trees.

Wildlife: (None found.)

Soil: Tolerates a variety; should be well-drained.

Water: Medium; tolerates less but looks better and grows larger with more.

Sun: Full sun or some shade.

Pruning: Shear once per year in late winter to remove thatch. 

Pests & Diseases: Tar spot, rusts, and stripe smut. 

Notes: Native to sandy and gravely washes on coast, inland valleys, and desert regions of  California and other states. Other species  being developed for foliage and flower colors. Hardy to -15° F.