Aquilegia- formosa

Aquilegia- formosa.jpg
Aquilegia- formosa2.jpg

Common Name: Columbine


Family: Ranunculaceae

Origin: California

Type: Perennial shrub

Size: 1.5  – 3 ft. high, 2 ft. wide.

Flowers: Nodding flowers, 1.5  to 2 in. across with red lobes and upright reddish orange spurs; late spring and early summer. Small blue-green lacy fern-like leaves.

Uses: Woodland, bird gardens; shady spots, borders, color, in heat. Doesn’t like wind. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Hummingbird favorite; song birds like seeds if allowed to form. Butterflies like. Deer resistant. Rabbit resistant.

Soil: Tolerates slightly acid or slightly alkaline soil; prefers well-drained.

Water: Medium.

Sun: Full sun near coast, some shade inland.

Pruning: Cut back old stems for more flowers. Remove spent leaves and flowers as it goes dormant to keep it looking its best.

Pests & Diseases: Leaf miners, aphids, red spider mites, snails, slugs, caterpillars.

Notes: Leave seeds for song birds and self-seeding. Replace old plants after approx. 3 years. Native to Utah and California up to Alaska. Lacy foliage gives fairy-like quality. Hardy to 0°F.