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Garden staff and volunteers have selected these plants for their beauty, hardiness, and minimal care needs. The top 128 Best are in this database and are available in the “Listed in 128 of Our Best” booklet for sale in the Garden Shop. Each page features color photos of the plant and its bloom as well as a list of its characteristics.

The below database is intended to act as a starting point for planning a minimal-water needs landscape. Most of the plants in this list are drought tolerant and all are attractive. Descriptions contain information on plant origins, growth and habit, cultivation, suggested uses, ethnobotanical interest and more. Descriptions are based on reliable resources available and our observations in the garden. Conflicting information from equally reliable resources is welcome.

Many of the Garden’s featured plants are available for sale
Monday-Sunday 10AM - 4PM at the Garden’s Gift Shop.

Plants are organized by biological name, but can be searched using common or biological name.