Leptosyne Gigantea

Leptosyne-gigantea (syn. Coreopsis gigantea)2.jpg
Leptosyne-gigantea (syn. Coreopsis gigantea).jpg

Common Names: giant coreopsis, sea dahlia

syn. Coreopsis Gigantea


Family: Asteraceae

Origin: California

Type: Perennial

Size: 3 ft. high and wide; can reach 10 ft. 

Flowers: Yellow daisies about 3 in., late winter, spring; leaves resemble ferns. 

Uses: Color accent, perennial garden. Tolerates wind, salt spray. Fire resistive. 

Wildlife: Seeds for birds; nectar for bees, hummingbirds. Deer resistant. 

Soil: Must be well-drained

Water: Medium water spring and summer promotes bloom; low in late summer and fall when dormant.

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: Shear off spent blossoms to promote bloom.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: From the coastal foothills of California and Baja California; part of the coastal sage plant community. Hardy to 30° F.