stachys byzantina

Stachys-byzantina (2).jpg

Common Names: lamb's ears


Family: Lamiaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Perennial

Size: To 1.5 ft. high and spreads by surface runners.

Flowers: Small purple flowers on short stems, late spring to first of summer; soft, thick, wooly white leaves 4 - 6 in.

Uses: Contrast to green foliage, border, ground cover, raised beds. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Deer resistant. Rabbit resistant.

Soil: Well-drained.

Water: Moderate water.

Sun: Full sun or light shade.

Pruning: Cut off flowers to accent foliage.

Pests & Diseases: Heavy rain will mash plant down. Too much shade can lead to leaf disease.

Notes: Member of mint family (Lamiaceae). If rains or water cause center to die, divide and replant outer edges. Native to Turkey and southwest Asia. Hardy to 0° F.