Gambelia Speciosa

Gambelia-speciosa-(syn. Glavezia speciosa)2.jpg

Common Names: island bush snapdragon

syn. Galvezia Speciosa


Family: Plantaginaceae

Origin: California

Type: Evergreen shrub

Size: 4 ft. high, 5 ft. wide.

Flowers: Scarlet tubular flowers 1 in. long, spring, but intermittent throughout year; leaves about 1 in. long. Stems and leaves are bright green.

Uses: Screen, background, dry slopes for erosion control, on fences or trellises, near oak trees. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Attracts hummingbirds.

Soil: Tolerates light or heavy soils if drainage good.

Water: None once established.

Sun: Full sun to some shade near coast, shade inland.

Pruning: Deadhead flower stalks for more flowers. Prune back severely in late winter to promote new growth. Cut out dead wood or rangy stems. Responds well to pruning.

Pests & Diseases: Resists pests and diseases.

Notes: Native to bluffs and rocky canyons of Santa Catalina, San Clemente, and Guadalupe islands. Hardy to 10° F.