Alyogyne hakeifolia

Alyogyne hakeifolia CU KINDIG.jpg
Alyogyne hakeifolia KINDIG.jpg

Common Names: red centered hibiscus


Family: Malvaceae

Origin: Australia

Type: Evergreen Shrub

Size: Upright, 5 to 9 ft.

Flowers: Pale lilac, white, or yellow tulip-shaped flowers with red spot at base of petals, spring, summer; stiff, narrow, needle-like dark green leaves.

Uses: Tall screen, background, ornamental, color.

Wildlife: (None found.) 

Soil: Well-drained.

Water: Little to moderate.

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: Prune to shape.

Pests & Diseases: Scale insects and aphids can be a problem. May be damaged by wind.

Notes: Principally found in dry coastal areas and frost-free inland habitats of South and Western Australia. Same family as hibiscus (Malvaceae). Hardy to 25° F.