Frangula Californica

Frangula-californica-(syn. Rhamnus californica2.jpg

Common Names: Coffeeberry

syn. Rhamnus Californica


Family: Rhamnaceae

Origin: California

Type: Evergreen shrub

Size: 5 ft. high and wide; larger if sheltered.

Flowers: Flowers are yellow-green and inconspicuous; berries in fall are red or black; leaves vary from shiny to dull, yellowish to dark green, 1 in. wide, 1-3 in. long.

Uses: Low hybrids good for borders and slopes, near oak trees; taller for screens, backgrounds, in heat. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Habitat, fruit, leaves for caterpillars, etc., pollen, nectar for butterflies. Deer resistant.

Soil: Grows in light or heavy soil.

Water: None for established plants, but broader leaf varieties look better with some.

Sun: Full sun to some shade.

Pruning: Prune for shape; otherwise low maintenance.

Pests & Diseases: Aphids, leaf miner, Sudden Oak Death.

Notes: Seedlings can be invasive. Native to the chaparral and coastal sage plant communities in the coastal foothills from northern California to Baja California. Hardy to 0° F.