Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn'

Arctostaphylos-densiflora -'Howard McMinn'2.jpg
Arctostaphylos-densiflora-'Howard McMinn'.jpg

Common Name: Sonoma Manzanita


Family: Ericaceae

Origin: California

Type: Evergreen shrub

Size: 6 ft. high, 7-14 ft. wide.

Flowers: Clusters of light pink or white flowers, winter & spring, red berries follow; stiff leaves 1.5 in. long and pale green; branches have red bark and twisting character. 

Uses: Screen, color and shape accent, slopes, erosion control, near oak trees, wind, salt spray, in heat. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Winter flowers, pollen, and fruit for birds, bees, butterflies. Deer resistant.

Soil: Must be well-drained. Prefers slightly acid soil, but tolerates poor soil as well.

Water: Low to medium. Periodic deep watering is best. Water every 4 to 7 days first summer.

Sun: Full sun or some shade.

Pruning: Pinch tips for denser bush. Remove detracting limbs for interesting open shape.

Pests & Diseases: Frequent overhead watering may contribute to fungus.

Notes: One of the most popular shrub forms of manzanita for coastal and inland regions in California. Native to the chaparral and coastal scrub plant communities. From Sonoma County, California. Hardy to 10° F.