Eriogonum fasciculatum


Common Names: California buckwheat


Family: Polygonaceae

Origin: California

Type: Shrub

Size: Spreading branches to 2 to 3 ft. high, 4 ft. across.

Flowers: Flowers light pink to white, then turn bronze, late spring to early fall. Narrow leaves green or gray.

Uses: Wild gardens, butterfly gardens, slopes, dry spots, near oaks, large rock gardens. Adapted to heat and wind.

Wildlife: Butterflies, birds, and bees. Deer resistant.

Soil: Adapts to many types. Good for erosion control.

Water: None on coast; some inland if winter rains are scarce.

Sun: Full.

Pruning: After flowering to keep compact.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: Found on dry slopes and plains in coastal and inland regions of California. Presence indicates coastal sage scrub plant community. Varieties include some which can be used for ground cover. Hardy to 20° F.