Euphorbia characias

Euphorbia characias CU WEB.jpg
Euphorbia characias WEB.jpg

Common Name: milk bush


Family: Euphorbiaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Succulent

Size: 3–4 ft. tall and wide.

Flowers: Chartreuse or lime green flowers in clusters; late winter, early spring. Long narrow blue-green leaves crowded along stems.

Uses: Late winter bloom; accents, background, rock gardens, with succulents, and in containers. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Deer resistant.

Soil: Prefers well-drained soil.

Water: Little to moderate water.

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: Cut staffs back to base after they turn yellow.

Pests & Diseases: 

Notes: “Flowers” are actually colored bracts, or modified leaves, around small flower. Euphorbia pulcherrima is the Poinsettia. From dry, rocky ground and exposed areas in its native Mediterranean. Hardy to 10° F.