Campanula incurva

Campanula incurva CU KINDIG.jpg
Campanula incurva KINDIG.jpg

Common Names: bellflower

Family: Campanulaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Perennial

Size: 1 to 2 ft. high, 2 ft. widehite flowers in clusters, winter to spring; leaves are gray and fuzzy. Berries follow.

Flowers: Light lavender bell-shaped flowers, summer; hairy oblong green leaves. Dies after bloom.

Uses: Accent, container, rock garden, border.

Wildlife: (None found.)

Soil: Well-drained.

Water: Low.

Sun: Full sun to some shade.

Pruning: No special needs found.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: Takes two years to bloom and then dies. From Greece. Hardy to 15° F.