Anigozanthos flavidus (red)

Anigozanthos flavidus KINDIG.jpg

Common Names: tall kangaroo paw


Family: Haemodoraceae

Origin: Australia

Type: Perennial

Size: To 3 ft. high and wide; flower stalks to 5 ft.

Flowers: Yellow, pink, or red 1.5 in. long flowers curved at tips like kangaroo paws, late spring to fall; dark green leaves.

Uses: Containers, perennial garden, cut flowers, accent, color. Tolerates wind, salty air. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Hummingbirds like flowers.

Soil: Light sandy soil or well-drained heavier soil.

Water: Regular, but tolerates some drought.

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: Prune flower stalks to ground to promote continued bloom. Cutting the plant back to the ground is best as growing parts are underground.

Pests & Diseases: Ink spot disease, snails, aphids, powdery mildew.

Notes: Native to the southwestern edge of Western Australia. Hardy to 20°F.