Iris 'Pacific coast hybrid'


Common Names: (No common names known.)


Family: Iridaceae

Origin: California

Type: Perennial

Size: 1.5- 2 ft.

Flowers: Flowers in many shades from white to purple to pink to bronze to yellow, to 4 in. across on 1-2 ft. stems, spring; green sword leaves 1.5-2 ft. long.

Uses: Mass plantings near trees, rock gardens along streams, borders, slopes, near oak trees. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Deer resistant. Rabbit resistant.

Soil: Rich soil; tolerant of less if well-drained. If soil is heavy (clay), plant in amended soil in raised bed.

Water: Little to moderate; test first. Too much water gives nice leaves but no blooms.

Sun: Full to part sun; too little gives no blooms.

Pruning: Remove dead stalks. Divide in late summer as needed.

Pests & Diseases: Generally pest and disease free.

Notes: Divide rhizomes when they become crowded, usually after 3 or 4 years if planted 1-2 ft. apart. Hardy to 15° F.