psoralea pinnata


Common Names: grape soda plant


Family: Leguminosae

Origin: South Africa

Type: Shrub or small tree

Size: 6-10 ft. high and wide.

Flowers: Blue or violet fragrant flowers with white wings, summer; sword-shaped leaves, about 1.5 in. long, in leaflets, fragrant when rubbed.

Uses: Background, color and shape accent, delicate screen.

Wildlife: Attracts bees.

Soil: Well-drained.

Water: Low to medium water.

Sun: Full sun to some shade.

Pruning: Prune after flowering to keep compact. Does not respond well to severe pruning.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: Grows along streams and other wet places in South Africa. Seed germination is stimulated by wildfires. Hardy to 20° F.