Artemisia californica

Artemisia californica CU KINDIG.jpg

Common Names: California sagebrush


Family: Asteraceae

Origin: California

Type: Evergreen shrub

Size: 2-5 ft. high, 4-7 ft. wide.

Flowers: Flowers insignificant, but foliage is striking with its fine, gray to silver, aromatic leaves.

Uses: Ground cover on dry slopes, especially cultivars; foliage contrast, restoration plantings, near oak trees.

Wildlife: Habitat, pollen for bees, and seed for birds. Deer resistant.

Soil: Well-drained.

Water: Little to moderate water; drought tolerant.

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: Prune to remove spent flowers and keep compact; prune back at first signs of new growth in spring.

Pests & Diseases: (None found.)

Notes: From woodlands, deserts, dry slopes, and coastal sage plant communities of California. ‘Canyon Gray’ (low, 6-12 ft. wide) and ‘Montara’ (low, 3-5 ft. wide) are good hybrids. Looks good for 3-5 years. Hardy to 0° F.