Centranthus ruber

Centranthus ruber CU KINDIG.jpg
Centranthus ruber KINDIG.jpg

Common Names: Jupiter’s beard, red valerian


Family: Caprifoliaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Perennial

Size: Height and width: 3 ft.

Flowers: Deep crimson to pale pink 1.5 in. flowers in clusters, spring and early summer; leaves 4 in. blue-green.

Uses: Showy blooms in difficult situations, garden edges, accent, color, slopes, near oak trees. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Attracts bees, butterflies. Deer resistant.

Soil: Tolerates poor soil.

Water: Little to moderate.

Sun: Full sun or part shade; do not plant in damp shade.

Pruning: Can be invasive. Cut off spent flower stems to prevent self-seeding and to shape plant.

Pests & Diseases: Occasional problem with aphids.

Notes: Hardy to -20° F.