Cistus ‘Blanche’

Cistus Blanche CU WEB.jpg
Cistus Blanche WEB.jpg

Common Names: rockrose 

Family: Cistaceae

Origin: Mediterranean

Type: Evergreen shrub

Size: 5 ft. tall and wide.

Flowers: Showy fragrant white flowers 4 in. across; late spring to early summer. Leaves are olive-green above and blue-gray beneath, wavy edged, and aromatic.

Uses: Dry slopes, massed together, small screen, rock gardens, rough areas. Fire resistive.

Wildlife: Deer like.

Soil: Adapts to poor soil, but should be well-drained if irrigated.

Water: Little or no water once established.

Sun: Full sun.

Pruning: Cut out a few old stems from time to time; pinch or shear back tips to stimulate new growth.

Pests & Diseases:

Notes: Good for erosion control, fire areas. Fast growing, drought tolerant; Rockroses tolerate salt spray, cold ocean winds, or desert heat. Hardy to 10° F.